I refer to the statement from the Inspector General of Police (IGP) last night that disciplinary action was taken against the police escort personnel who assaulted Mr Ong Ing Keong on 28 May 2024.

It is only right and proper that disciplinary action is taken against any police personnel implicated in an assault upon a member of the public.

However, this case does not encompass only a police disciplinary matter. It involves an assault and battery captured clearly on video. The victim had suffered pain, injury and emotional trauma. This is a criminal offence under the Penal Code, and a prosecution must be instituted in line with the usual procedures under our criminal justice system. In short, this matter cannot be dealt with merely as an internal police disciplinary matter.

There is also a strong public interest element as it involves an unprovoked assault by a member of the police force upon a disabled person who was engaged in his daily occupation.

We further note that the IGP has now confirmed that the investigation papers were re-submitted to the Attorney General (AG) last month.

We urge the AG, as well as the police, to ensure that the appropriate criminal charges be promptly instituted against the perpetrator.

The video evidence is available, and the identity of the suspect is known to the police; there is no reason for any further delay in delivering justice for Ong Ing Keong.

Issued by,

N Surendran

Lawyer for Mr Ong Ing Keong

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